Webhooks allow you to receive real-time updates for your active deliveries. We'll POST
updates to a
URL of your choosing every 20 seconds, allowing you to get the most up-to-date information to show to your customers.
Configuring Webhook Ingestion Endpoint
To setup webhooks for your account, please get in touch. We'll configure your account to send webhooks to a specific URL.
- Webhooks sent every 20 seconds
- Sent until delivery is terminated (delivered, canceled, returned, etc.)
- Images attached as your delivery progresses
- Location updated as your delivery progresses
Deliveries booked with your Sandbox key will simulate a delivery. Your sandboxed delivery will cycle through the appropriate statuses, which you will be able to observe through the webhook.
Example Payload
You can find an example webhook payload below:
createdAt: 2021-05-21T23:18:12.822Z,
deliveredAt: null,
deliveryMethod: 'car',
destination: {
addressLine1: '1129 Maricopa Hwy',
addressLine2: '',
city: 'Ojai',
latitude: 34.440931,
longitude: -119.262142,
name: '1129 Maricopa Highway',
postalCode: '93023',
state: 'CA'
distance: '98836',
driver: { firstName: 'Chuck', lastName: 'Norris', phoneNumber: '+15558675309' },
estimatedTravelTime: '5563',
id: 'del_78ZHBTP3EP',
images: [
location: {},
meta: {
dropoffNote: 'Go around back.',
orderNumber: '987654321',
pickupNote: 'Look for the green "Curri Pickup" sign',
poNumber: '123456789'
origin: {
addressLine1: '8391 Topanga Canyon Blvd',
addressLine2: '',
city: 'Los Angeles',
latitude: 34.220792,
longitude: -118.607163,
name: 'Lowes',
postalCode: '91304',
state: 'CA'
price: '8992',
scheduledAt: null,
status: 'at_origin',
trackingUrl: 'https://app.curri.com/track/o7bqzdG1BrV5X2Og3Xi77aEZg'